Samba Configuration for Profile Handling
This section documents how to configure Samba for MS Windows client profile support.
NT4/200x User Profiles
For example, to support Windows NT4/200x clients, set the following in the [global] section of the smb.conf file:
logon path = \\profileserver\profileshare\profilepath\%U\moreprofilepath
This is typically implemented like:
logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
where “%L” translates to the name of the Samba server and “%U” translates to the username.
The default for this option is \\%N\%U\profile, namely, \\sambaserver\username\profile. The \\%N\%U service is created automatically by the [homes] service. If you are using a Samba server for the profiles, you must make the share that is specified in the logon path browseable. Please refer to the man page for smb.conf regarding the different semantics of “%L” and “%N”, as well as “%U” and “%u”.
Bij nazicht bleek één van de /home/shares/profiles/username directories eigendom te zijn van een '1002' user ipv 'username'
Dit was vervolgens vlug gecorrigeerd met een chmod.
Echter, om ook Administrator accounts te kunnen laten inloggen met opslag van hun profile, moet de Adminstrator profile directory eigendom zijn van Administrator ipv root..... :-(
chown werkt hier niet...
Hoe los ik dit op?